Output files in workflows

When a workflow consists of jobs which have output files and/or directories defined it is possible to download the output from all jobs in a single command by specifying the workflow id, e.g.:

prominence download workflow 9283

For many situations it might be useful for the output from each job to be put into a unique directory. For example, the following command:

prominence download --dir workflow 9283

will download the output associated with each job into directories named after each job id.

Note: Unless the --force option is specified, any existing output files/directories will not be overwritten.

Parameters in output files or directories

Parameters defined in job factories can be used in output files or directories. For example, if you have a parameter $workdir jobs can make use of $workdir in the name of the output directory:

               "cmd":"/bin/sh -c \"mkdir -p $workdir ; echo $workdir > $workdir/in\"",

In order to download all output from these jobs once the workflow has completed, run:

prominence download workflow <workflow id>

For the simple example above this would create three files: point_000.tgz, point_001.tgz, and point_002.tgz containing the contents of the directory from each of the jobs.