Job status

Listing jobs

The list command by default lists any active jobs, i.e. jobs which are idle or running:

prominence list


ID     STATUS   IMAGE                       CMD     ARGS
3101   idle     alahiff/testpi
3103   idle     alahiff/cherab-jet:latest   python 0 59
3104   idle     ikester/blender:latest      blender -b classroom/classroom.blend -o frame_### -f 1

It’s also possible to request a list of jobs using a constraint on the labels associated with each job. For example, if you submitted a group of jobs with a label name=run5, the following would list all such jobs:

prominence list --all --constraint name=run5

Here the --all option means that both active (i.e. idle or running) and completed jobs will be listed.

Describing a job

To get more information about an individual job, use the describe command, for example:

prominence describe 345


    "id": 345,
    "status": "created",
    "resources": {
      "cpus": 1,
      "disk": 10,
      "memory": 1,
      "nodes": 1,
      "walltime": 720
    "tasks": [
        "image": "alahiff/testpi",
        "runtime": "singularity"
    "events": {
      "createTime": "2019-06-18T10:16:36"

To show information about completed jobs, both the list and describe commands accept a --completed option. For example, to list the last 2 completed jobs:

prominence list --completed --last 2


ID     STATUS      IMAGE                       CMD          ARGS
2980   completed   alahiff/tensorflow:1.11.0   python       models-1.11/official/mnist/ --export_dir mnist_saved_model
2982   completed   alahiff/tensorflow:1.11.0   python       models-1.11/official/mnist/ --export_dir mnist_saved_model

Note that jobs which are completed or have been removed for some reason may be visible briefly without using the --completed option.

Completed jobs

The JSON descriptions of completed jobs contain additional information. This may include:

  • status: current job status (idle, running, completed, failed, deleted, or killed)
  • statusReason: for jobs in a terminal state other than the completed state this may give a reason for the current status.
  • createTime: date & time when the job was created by the user.
  • startTime: date & time when the job started running.
  • endTime: date & time when the job ended.
  • site: the site where the job was executed.
  • maxMemoryUsageKB: the maximum total memory usage of the job, summed over all processes (note this is not available for jobs running on remote HTC or HPC resources)
  • retries: the number of job retries attempted.
  • provisionedResources: the number of CPU cores, memory (in GB), disk (in GB) and number of nodes provisioned for the job.
  • cpu: details of the CPU used to run the job (clock, model, and vendor).
  • runtimeVersion: the versions of singularity and udocker (in the form <version>/<tarball_release>) used.

The following information is also provided for each task:

  • retries: the number of task retries attempted.
  • exitCode: the exit code returned by the user’s job. This would usually would be 0 for success.
  • imagePullTime: time taken to pull the container image. If a cached image from a previous task was used this will be -1.
  • imagePullStatus: image pull status, e.g. completed.
  • imageSha256: SHA256 sum of the container image.
  • wallTimeUsage: wall time used by the task.
  • cpuTimeUsage: CPU time usage by the task. For a task using multiple CPUs this will be larger than the wall time.
  • maxResidentSetSizeKB: maximum resident size (in KB) of the largest process.
  • stageInTime: total time to stage-in any files.
  • stageOutTime: total time to stage-out any files.

For example:

  "id": 61,
  "status": "completed",
  "resources": {
    "cpus": 1,
    "disk": 10,
    "memory": 1,
    "nodes": 1
  "tasks": [
      "image": "eoscprominence/testpi",
      "runtime": "singularity"
  "events": {
    "createTime": "2022-04-28 20:03:06",
    "startTime": "2022-04-28 20:04:06",
    "endTime": "2022-04-28 20:04:12"
  "execution": {
    "site": "SLURM-CSD3",
    "provisionedResources": {
      "cpus": 1,
      "disk": 154,
      "memory": 1,
      "nodes": 1
    "cpu": {
      "clock": "3039.367",
      "model": "Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8276 CPU @ 2.20GHz",
      "vendor": "GenuineIntel"
    "runtimeVersion": {
      "singularity": "3.8.7-1.el7"
    "tasks": [
        "exitCode": 0,
        "retries": 0,
        "imagePullTime": 1.424,
        "imageSha256": "c694b456f242e484753a83107e47ca29d5a08e784c45f4225b1758713ad2e236",
        "wallTimeUsage": 0.3726,
        "cpuTimeUsage": 0.3326,
        "maxResidentSetSizeKB": 38384