
In PROMINENCE all jobs are run in unprivileged containers using user-specified images. It is possible to use either the Singularity or udocker container runtimes.

The image can be specified in the following ways:

  • <user>/<repo>:<tag> (Docker Hub)
  • <registry hostname>/<namespace>/<project>/<image>:<tag> (GitLab)
  • <hostname>/<project-id>/<image>:<tag> (Google Container Registry)
  • shub://<user>/<repo>:<tag> (Singularity Hub)
  • URL of a tarball created by docker save
  • URL of a Singularity image
  • Name of a tarball created by docker save uploaded to object storage using prominence upload
  • Name of a Singularity image uploaded to object storage using prominence upload

It is important to be aware the Docker Hub’s rate limiting may cause container image pulls to fail, so Docker Hub is not recommended for large numbers of short-running jobs.

If a registry requires authentication then imagePullCredential must be specified in the task, e.g.:

  "resources": {
    "memory": 1,
    "cpus": 1,
    "nodes": 1,
    "disk": 10
  "name": "gitlab-image",
  "tasks": [
      "image": "",
      "runtime": "singularity",
      "imagePullCredential": {
        "username": "username",
        "token": "VzIxo3sZ2yC6V5YeSBxR"

The same method can be used for other private registries and Docker Hub. It is preferable that a token with read-only privileges is used rather than a password if at all possible. See here for information about accessing a GitLab container registry using tokens, and similarly here for Docker Hub.

Note: Authentication is only supported for the Singularity container runtime.

Under some conditions a container runtime will be selected automatically by the CLI. This will only happen if there is only one runtime which will work for the specified image. For other cases, e.g. a Docker Hub image, Singularity is used as the default but optionally udocker can be forced by the user.

Images which will result in Singularity being selected:

  • Singularity Hub image (begins with “shub://”)
  • URL for a Singularity image (filename ends in “.sif”)

Images which will result in udocker being selected:

  • URL for a Docker tarball (filename ends in “.tar”)

Tips for creating containers

Some important tips for creating containers to be used with PROMINENCE:

  • Do not put any software or required files in /root, since containers are run as an unprivileged user
  • Do not put any software or required files in /home or /tmp, as these directories in the container image will be replaced when the container is executed
  • Do not specify USER in your Dockerfile when creating the container image
  • The environment variable HOME will be set to a scratch directory (/home/user) accessible inside the container when the container is executed. For the case of multi-node MPI jobs this scratch directory is accessible across all nodes running the job.
  • The environment variables TMP and TEMP are set to /tmp. This directory is always local to the host, including for multi-node MPI jobs
  • Do not expect to be able to write inside the container’s filesystem. Write any files into the default current working directory, or into the directories specified by the environment variables HOME, TMP and TEMP. If you really need to be able to write in the container’s filesystem, use udocker as the container runtime.
  • The application should be able to be run from within any directory and access any required input or output files using relative paths

MPI jobs

Some is an additional requirement on the container image for MPI jobs: mpirun should be in available inside the container and in the PATH.

There is no reason to set an entrypoint as it will not be used. A command (and any required arguments) must be specified.

A simple minimal starting point for a Dockerfile for a CentOS 7 container image for OpenMPI is:

FROM centos:7
RUN yum -y install openmpi openmpi-devel

ENV PATH            /usr/lib64/openmpi/bin:${PATH}
ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib64/openmpi/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}

and for MPICH:

FROM centos:7
RUN yum -y install mpich mpich-devel

ENV PATH            /usr/lib64/mpich/bin:${PATH}
ENV LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib64/mpich/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}