Python client

Under development, will be available in 0.18.0 onwards

The CLI also provides Python classes which can be used for creating and managing jobs and data, and can be installed easily from PyPI:

pip install prominence

A valid access token is of course required. A token can be obtained in the usual way for the CLI (i.e. prominence login), or alternatively the Python client will work easily from within a PROMINENCE job, as all jobs are provided with a token valid for the lifetime of the job. This is picked up automatically by the Python client.

Here is a very simple example where we submit a job, wait for it to complete then print the standard output:

from prominence import Task, Job

# Define a task
task = Task()
task.image = 'centos:7'
task.runtime = 'singularity'
task.command = 'hostname'

# Define a job
job = Job()

# Wait for job to complete

# Print standard output


class Task()

This class represents a task.

property image

The name of the container image.

property runtime

The container runtime, either singularity or udocker.

property command

The command to execute in the container.

property type

The type of job, one of basic, openmpi, intelmpi, mpich, sidecar.

property workdir

The working directory.

property env

Environment variables.

property procs_per_node

The processes required per node for the case of multi-node MPI jobs.


Returns a dictionary representing the task.


class Resources(cpus=1, memory=1, disk=10, nodes=1, walltime=720)

This class represents the resources required for a job.

property cpus

The number of CPUs.

property memory

The memory in GB.

property disk

The disk required in GB.

property nodes

The number of nodes.

property walltime

The walltime required for the job in minutes.

property memory_per_cpu

Memory in GB per CPU.


Returns a dictionary representing the resources.


class Artifact(name, directory_name=None, mount_point=None)

This class represents an artifact.

  • Parameters:
    • name: (str) Name of artifact.
    • directory_name: (optional str) Name of directory when uncompressed.
    • mount_point: (optional str) Name of mount point

Uploads the file filename.

  • Parameters
    • filename: (str) Name of file to upload.

Returns a dictionary representing the artifact.


class InputFile(filename, content=None)

This class represents a small input file to be included in a job description.

  • Parameters:
    • filename: (str) Filename.
    • content: (optional str) Create the input file using this content, either ASCII or binary.

Returns a dictionary representing the input file.


class JobPolicies()

This class represents job policies.

property maximum_task_retries

Maximum number of times a task will be retried in the event of failures. By default there will be no retries.

property maximum_retries

Maximum number of times a job will be retried in the event of failures. By default there will be no retries.

property maximum_time_in_queue

Maximum time in minutes the job will remain idle in the queue. If a job cannot be run immediately it will wait in the queue (up to the specified time limit) until resources become available. The value -1 means that the job will remain in the queue until it starts running. The default value 0 means that the job will remain in the queue until it starts running or there is a failure.

property priority

Integer enabling users to sort their jobs to determine which will be run first. Large values denote better priority. Note that this is used for influencing the order in which jobs are run, rather than guaranteeing the order.

property leave_in_queue

By default completed, failed, deleted and killed jobs are only visible from the CLI when --completed is specified. When leaveInQueue is set to True these jobs will remain visible without needing --completed and need to be explicitly removed from the queue. If a job isn’t removed from the queue manually it will be automatically removed after 90 days.

property ignore_task_failures

Normally if a task fails (i.e. exit code non-zero) no further tasks will be executed in a job. If set to True, all tasks will be executed.

property run_serial_tasks_on_all_nodes

By default serial tasks are only run on one node for the case of multi-node jobs. Setting this to True results in serial tasks being run on all nodes.

property report_job_success_on_task_failure

When the job is run as part of a workflow, if the exit code of any tasks are non-zero the job will be reported as running successfully. This means that if retries are enabled within a workflow or a workflow is re-run, only jobs which failed because of infrastructure problems will be retried (e.g. problems pulling the container image or staging files in or out). The default value is False.


Returns a dictionary representing the policies.


class Notification(event=None, type=None)

This class represents a notification, i.e. an action triggered by a change in a job or workflow’s state.

property event

When to send the notification. Currently the options are jobFinished or workflowFinished.

property type

Type of notification. Currently the only option is email.


Returns a dictionary representing the notification.


class Job()

This class represents a job.

property name
property id
property status
property labels
property resources
property tasks
property input_files
property artifacts
property output_files
property output_directories
property policies
property notifications

Submit the job.


Wait for job to enter a terminal state.

  • Parameters:
    • timeout: (optional int) Maximum time to wait in seconds. By default there is no timeout (timeout = 0).

Check if the job has completed.

  • Returns: False if the job is still running or idle, or True if the job is in a terminal state.
  • Return type: bool

Delete the job.

  • Returns: True if the job was successfully deleted.
  • Return type: bool

Removes the job from the queue.

  • Returns: True if the job was successfully removed.
  • Return type: bool

Execute the specified command in a running job.

  • Parameters:
    • command: (str) Command and arguments to execute.
get_snapshot(path, save_as=None)

Create and retrieve a snapshot of a file within a running job.

  • Parameters:
    • path: (str) Name of file or directory in job.
    • save_as: (optional str) Save the snapshot in a file with this name.

Returns a dictionary representing the job.


Retrieves the job’s standard output.

  • Parameters:
    • node (optional int): for multi-node jobs this specifies the node
  • Returns: the job’s standard output
  • Return type: str

Retrieves the job’s standard error.

  • Parameters:
    • node (optional int): for multi-node jobs this specifies the node
  • Returns: the job’s standard error
  • Return type: str
  • Parameters:
    • name: (str) name of input file
  • Returns: the content of the input file
  • Return type: str
get_output_file(name, save_as=None)
  • Parameters:
    • name: (str) name of output file
    • save_as: (optional str) save as a file with this name
  • Returns: the content of the output file
  • Return type: str
get_output_directory(name, save_as=None)
  • Parameters:
    • name: (str) name of input file
    • save_as: (optional str) save as a file with this name
  • Returns: the content of the output directory
  • Return type: str


class Workflow()

This class represents a workflow.

property name
property id
property status
property labels
property jobs
property dependencies
property factories
property policies
property notifications

Submit the workflow.


Wait for workflow to enter a terminal state.

  • Parameters:
    • timeout: (optional int) Maximum time to wait in seconds. By default there is no timeout (timeout = 0).

Check if the job has completed.

  • Returns: False if the workflow is still running or idle, or True if the workflow is in a terminal state.
  • Return type: bool

Returns a dictionary representing the workflow.


Delete the workflow.

  • Returns: True if the workflow was successfully deleted.
  • Return type: bool

Removes the workflow from the queue.

  • Returns: True if the workflow was successfully removed.
  • Return type: bool

Reruns any failed jobs in the workflow.

  • Returns: id of the new workflow.
  • Return type: integer


class WorkflowPolicies()

This class represents workflow policies.

property maximum_retries

Maximum number of times a job in the workflow will be retried in the event of failures. By default there will be no retries.

property leave_in_queue

By default completed, failed, deleted and killed workflows are only visible from the CLI when --completed is specified. When leaveInQueue is set to True these workflows will remain visible without needing --completed and need to be explicitly removed from the queue. If a workflow isn’t removed from the queue manually it will be automatically removed after 90 days.


class Dependency()


class ParameterSet(name, start=None, end=None, step=None, values=[])

This class represents a set of parameters for a parameter sweep or zip job factory.

property name
property start (for a ParameterSweep job factory)
property end (for a ParameterSweep job factory)
property step (for a ParameterSweep job factory)
property values (for a Zip job factory)

Returns a dictionary representing the parameter set.


class ParameterSweep()

This class represents a parameter sweep factory.

property parameters

Returns a dictionary representing the parameter sweep job factory.

class Zip()

This class represents a zip job factory.

property parameters

Returns a dictionary representing the zip job factorty.

class Repeat(num=None)

This class represents a repeat job factory.

property num

Number of instances of the job to run.


Returns a dictionary representing the repeat job factory.